Hey Townies,
The day has finally arrived! Patch 1.5.0 is here, and tons of changes along with it. While not everything was hit in the original preview, there is still a lot that comes with this patch.
Below you will find these changes and additions in Town of Salem patch 1.5.0:
In-Game Rules:
(added in earlier, but still a good talking point)
Very noticeable set of rules available in game. This explains our Terms of Service in much greater detail. This will help to ensure all players know the rules of the game. This should decrease the number of people breaking the rules, Trolls, and the number of reports that have to be filed. With the the help of the Trial System, which will be coming out of beta soon, games will be much higher quality.
Investigator Results Rework:
The highly anticipated Investigator results are here! Gone will be the days of Godfathers being told "reveal or die". While this won't solve every issue in the game, and new metas will develop to find holes in these results, we feel these new results are very solid, and will help bring balance to the game.
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<span style="display: none;"><span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="color: #00BF40">Escort</span>, <span style="color: #00BF40">Transporter</span>, <span style="color: #FF0000">Consort</span></span> - Your target is skilled at disrupting others. They could be an Escort, Transporter, or Consort.<br><br>Escort/Consort was a fine result and this throws Trans in a result that won't confirm them as good, but it also doesn't screw any evil roles outright.<br><br><span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="color: #00BF40">Investigator</span>, <span style="color: #FF0000">Consigliere</span>, <span style="color: #00BF40">Mayor</span></span> - Your target has sensitive information to reveal. They could be the Investigator, Consigliere, or Mayor.<br><br>I think the Invest Consig combo is fine. Throwing Mayor in the result makes the Mayor not be confirmed as good until they actually reveal.<br><br><span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="color: #00BF40">Sheriff</span>, <span style="color: #999999">Executioner</span>, <span style="color: #BF8000">Werewolf</span></span> - Your target is waiting for the perfect moment to strike. They could be the Sheriff, Executioner, or Werewolf.<br><br>I feel like having the WW with the Exe and Sheriff helps explain away the WW immune, and gives two claims for the WW that aren't too hard to fake. This also helps to prevent the lynch them because they are either Exe or WW because the Exe could play it really cool and end up being a Jester and get a win that way. I think it adds enough variables that you have to think before you lynch.<br><br><span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="color: #00BF40">Vigilante</span>, <span style="color: #FF0000">Mafioso</span>, <span style="color: #00BF40">Veteran</span></span> - Your target owns a gun. They could be the Vigilante, Mafioso, or Veteran.<br><br>Keeping this result the same is fine, the Mafioso has two roles that it can claim, but there is still pressure.<br><br><span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="color: #00BF40">Lookout</span>, <span style="color: #FF0000">Forger</span>, <span style="color: #00FFFF">Amnesiac</span></span> - Your target sticks to the shadows. They could be the Lookout, Forger, or Amnesiac.<br><br>This result gives both the Forger and Amnesiac a claim that is hard to prove and lets them lay low. It also puts pressure on the LO now since the LO isn't confirmed as good.<br><br><span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="color: #00BF40">Spy</span>, <span style="color: #FF0000">Blackmailer</span>, <span style="color: #00BF40">Jailor</span></span> - Your target knows your darkest secrets. They could be the Spy, Blackmailer, or Jailor.<br><br>The Spy and Blackmailer can both read whispers so they naturally should go together, and the Jailor now has an evil role paired with it rather than being confirmed good.<br><br><span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="color: #00BF40">Doctor</span>, <span style="color: #FF0000">Disguiser</span>, <span style="color: #0000FF">Serial Killer</span></span> - Your target is covered in blood. They could be the Doctor, Disguiser, or Serial Killer.<br><br>This gives the Disguiser more cover, and possible an extra day if he can convince the Town of his claim. Doc and SK are fine as is.<br><br><span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="color: #00BF40">Bodyguard</span>, <span style="color: #FF0000">Godfather</span>, <span style="color: #FF8000">Arsonist</span></span> - Your target is not afraid to get their hands dirty. They could be the Bodyguard, Godfather, or Arsonist. <br><br>Having the BG, GF, and Arso together puts a lot of pressure on a powerful protective role claim, while also giving these roles at least one night to explain away immunity, and a claim that the Town wants to keep alive if they can.<br><br><span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="color: #00BF40">Medium</span>, <span style="color: #FF0000">Janitor</span>, <span style="color: #00BF40">Retributionist</span></span> - Your target works with dead bodies. They could be the Medium, Janitor, or Retributionist.<br><br>This result keeps all the roles that interact with the dead and could use that knowledge in some way all in one group. This also may take some pressure off the Janitor or at least put some pressure on the Retributionist.<br><br><span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="color: #FFBF40">Survivor</span>, <span style="color: #00BF40">Vampire Hunter</span>, <span style="color: #800080">Witch</span></span> - Your target keeps to themselves. They could be a Survivor, Vampire Hunter, or Witch.<br><br>This result will be much more forgiving for Witches, and Survivors, but it also still keeps some pressure on both of them.<br><br><br><span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="color: #FF0000">Framer</span>, <span style="color: #BF0040">Vampire</span>, <span style="color: #FF80FF">Jester</span></span> - Your target may not be what they seem. They could be a Framer, Vampire, or Jester.<br><br>This result has Framed targets not only show up as Framer, but also as Vampires which are roles that the Town wants to get rid of, but also the Jester(and framed targets) which makes them evaluate whether the lynch is worth it. We think this will do a lot to make people think before lynching which is good for the game overall, but also gives the Vampires a bit of an easier time, and the Framer as well.</span>
Player Statistics Page and Leaderboards:
The player statistics page will allow you to view your own stats for things such as win rate, most popular role, most kills in game, players saved, etc. The Leaderboards will show the best players of each respective role, and the top ranking ranked players. This should allow to keep track of your stats and others to help push the competitive nature of our players for higher quality games. You may click on any stat to bring up the leaderboard for that specific stat.
Female skins:
We have decided that we want to give away another female skin to all players. We will be giving away the Betty Parris skin, and will be refunding all players who have purchased it. This will bring us to three male pilgrims, and three female pilgrims as the starter skins. We have many female skins planned for release still. Recently with the Red Riding Hood sin, and Uriel we are looking to bring the gender discrepancy in skins into line.
Lobby Icons:
More lobby icons! We know that only people who backed the Kickstarter or referred friends currently have a unique lobby icons, but that is different now. The Godfather, Jailor, Jester, Serial Killer, Spy, Vampire, Witch, and Werewolf lobby icons are now available! We have many more planned, but this will be the first wave to come out.
Randomize cosmetics every game:
We all know that lynching your friends is one of the best feelings in Town of Salem. This fun is diminished when you get in game, and instantly recognize them by the cosmetics they are using though. Now you can set your character, pet, and house to be random so you can lay low and kill all your friends.
Role Balancing
We understand that some roles are either too powerful, or not powerful enough. The Mayor, Blackmailer, and Vampire have all received a few changes to help bring them into line, and also indirectly affect other roles balance. The Mayor can no longer receive or send whispers once they are revealed. This will help to tone down the abusive whisper game strategy in many instances. If the Mayor change didn't tell you that whisper games are abusive, then the Blackmailer being able to read whispers and use them against the Town should show how we and the community feel about it. The Vampires are now able to kill the Mafia, all except for the Godfather. This will put more pressure on the Mafia in games with Vampires, and helps to give the Vampires a fighting chance against the other major informed minority in the game. The Vampire Hunter is being left alone for now, and the Medium change was pushed back due to some potential problems with an announced....thing... The Spy however was made a bit weaker with the Blackmailer change. We have many more changes planned, but this will be the first wave to come out.
Username Changes
Purchasable username changes are now available!. We went away from the initial idea of having a display and an account name due to some technical complications. The possibility of username changes will be great for everyone as this will allow you to change your name as you mature and realize that dongatron is not the name for you. This also allows us to flag vulgar names for renaming. This gives players a second chance to pick an appropriate name instead of just being banned. Username changes can be purchased for $5 and will let you check for available usernames, and then allow you to choose that username.
Bug Fixes:
General server improvements that should help to reduce the issues of disconnection, and increase performance.
Fixed a bug that was allowing you to have negative losses in ranked. Note: If you already have negative losses this won't fix it until we wipe the stats for the start of the first season.
Fixed some minor text typos, and spacing issues.
Fixed a bug where stats weren't always recording properly in ranked.
Fixed a bug that would unreveal the Mayor if the were revived. This would essential mean a Mayor could be revealed, minues the votes, but would be able to be healed by the Doctor.
Mobile Bug Fixes:
Fixed several issues that would cause crashes on both iOS and Android.